
DLC Update - From Eddy Chai, MAIN MISSION OF DLC - MLM Revolution

Dear friends, DLC Update from Eddy Chai. Please read it in your mind. Eddy Chai creat DLC and give it back to us. Join DLC, work hard then become RICH together.

Many people said, they are waiting a chance. When the opportunity come, they did nothing. Do you really want to change your lifestyle? Do you really want to make BIG money?
Call Cony Now#0913809587, 0982847499 (Taiwan)
Cony's husband Power #09086677509,09176691834 (Philippines)

The success of Diamond Lifestyle Corporation is phenomenal.

Since our Grand Opening in Taiwan on 1st March 2009, we have sponsored 11,038 by 30th November 2009. We are sponsoring over 1,000 new distributors a month. At this rate we should be the biggest MLM company in Taiwan 5 years time. Let's see if my projection is correct 5 years from now.
We had a Recognition Day in Taipei on 14th November 2009 and we had over 1,000 attendees.

(Eddy Chai - on the stage, Cony- the Emcee of the ceremony)

Philippines have taken off like a rocket. I did my 1st Opportunity meeting on 23rd September 2009 and in a short 2 months we have sponsored over 7,000 distributors. We are now sponsoring over 100 new people a day and this is only from one center. We will be opening up more areas in the Philippines after the Christmas and by June, we should be sponsoring 500 new people a day. Things are looking good. We should be the biggest MLM company in the Philippines in 3 years. Again, let's see if my projection is correct 3 years from now.
We did our 1st training on 24th October 2009, in Philam stadium 1 month after our 1st opportunity meeting and over 700 people came.

We did a big opportunity meeting in Cross Road Stadium on 19th November 2009 and this is our second month and over 1,500 people attended. If the growth for Taiwan is phenomenal, I have no words to describe the growth for the Philippines. This is a growth I have never seen in my 28 years in this business.

The success of DLC is because distributors understand our mission. Build a MLM company and give it back to distributors. Without getting rid of the owners of MLM companies, we do not have enough money to look after the 80% of our leaders.

Here is the Founder's message in my company manual so that you have a glimpse of what I am doing.Message from the FounderJuly 1, 2008. After 28 incredible years in MLM, 21 of which is as a Managing Director for one of the biggest MLM company in the world making an outrageous annual income most people cannot make in their lifetime, I resigned and started this new MLM company.

What in the world am I doing? Well, it wasn't money for sure as I can hardly spend 30% of my outrageous annual income. Was it for fame or recognition? I don't need to start a new MLM company to get them. As one of the most successful networker in the world with an organization that has sponsored over 3 million distributors, I already have my fair share of recognition and fame. A desire to own a company?

Listen to my speeches and training and you will sometime hear me mention that I love my role as a General and have no desire to be the Emperor. So, why start a new MLM company called “Diamond Lifestyle Corporation”?After 28 long years, I have found an industry that is my life's passion. A business, I believe, is the best available option to channel goods and services. A business option for many who are not satisfied with their present financial situation. A business option for many who have no other business options.

After 28 long years, I have also found things that need to be changed to help those who love or need this business and give them a fighting chance. Let us talk about 2 of them.First. In my opinion, for the last 50 years there is only one MLM company in the world and all the others are pyramid schemes. I would like to ask distributors who believe they are from legitimate companies: If you also operate your business like pyramid schemes, playing the money game, buying up to get bonuses, pins and incentives what is the difference between you and them? DLC intends to close all loopholes to prevent this behavior.

We can now say that there are 2 MLM companies in the world: one is called DLC and the other is the biggest MLM company today.Second. With the percentage paid out by all MLM companies and the way their marketing plans are designed, it will be ill-advised for most of you to believe that this business is a vehicle to your dreams. After the owners of MLM companies suck away a huge percentage for themselves, there is not enough money left to give the mid- and lower-level leaders a decent income.

That is why all company marketing plans are only designed to look after the 20% high level leaders or the superstars. It is not uncommon to listen to these superstars talk about the 80/20 rule like it is a virtue. We think this is catastrophic. When the 80% of leaders find their income unsatisfactory they may quit and when they do so, it becomes a domino effect on the business of the superstar. This is a fact. If we cannot pay enough to look after the 80% we also cannot look after the 20%. How then can we write a marketing plan that can also look after the 80% of the leaders? THIS IS THE MAIN MISSION OF DLC.

There is only one solution. I wish there were another. We must write a marketing plan that also includes the 1/3 that is the profit of the owner of a MLM company into the plan. Only when we have this extra 30% can we have enough money to write a marketing plan where we can concentrate a huge portion of the bonuses to distributors who have one to three break-off legs.

Yes, I understand what I am doing is abnormal. It is normal and right for all owners of MLM companies to make a profit from their investment for the risk they are taking. But please also understand that I am not interested in the profit of my company. I just want to build an MLM company for distributors and do something for this industry before I retire. Thanks for joining me on this meaningful mission. Let us leave our footprints in the sand. Let’s get to work.

God Bless,


Best regards,

Eddy Chai.
Founder and CEO.
Diamond Lifestyle Corporation.

Many people said, they are waiting a chance. When the opportunity come, they did nothing. Do you really want to change your lifestyle? Do you really want to make BIG money?
Call Cony Now#0913809587, 0982847499 (Taiwan)
Cony's husband Power #09086677509,09176691834 (Philippines)



A tribute to Cony's best Japanese sisiter - Yoshie

See you my dear sister, Yoshie.

How many good friends you can have in whole your life? I am lucky to have a best one, Yoshie, a Japanese sister in my life. I would like to introduce Yoshie to all of you. Such a brave, nice, kind girl, she is really good to me. Shen is in the heaven and be an angel.

We met each other and lived together for more than a half year right away in Vancovuer 2001. After that, we met many times, in Taiwan, Japan, even in Malano Italy. A lot of memories you may see how happy we were on the photos. Let time back to past.Some of you are on photos, please forgive her not to inform you before she go.
After 2006, my business failed. Yoshie always cheered me up. I have worked hard, I will make our dream- travel all over the world come true. Please keep in touch with your friends and forward this blog to all the friends who knows Yoshie. Many thanks. Yoshie will be happy to let everybody memerize her. Please do rember the most full of energy and have the shinny smile's Yoshie in your mind.

Dear sis Yoshie,

You are always my best sister in the world. No matter where you are, I am always be with you. We had done so many funny, stupid, crazy things together, nobody can take it from our memory. Thanks for everything you have done for me. You are such a brave girl fight the cancer. I am so pround of you.

Fews days ago, we talked on phone for a long time. I heard from your voice but couldn't have any clear voice, I pray for you not too suffer any pain. God take you to the heaven. I am very sad about your leaving but happy for you to be health in another world. We will meet somewhere someday. keep contiue our sistership again.

Love you forever Sister Cony

From My homestay parents to Yoshie:

To all of you who loved Yoshie including Yoshie's dear family,

Yoshie's life is to be celebrated. She was a woman who embraced life fully. She was always curious about so many things and she followed her heart without hesitation. She was brave as we can see how she fought her cancer and generous in wanting to pass on knowlege about her desease and to donate her organs. She was generous in many other ways which we have each experienced in our own ways. What ever Yoshie did she did quietly, in a dignified way. We are so fortunate to have known her.

Thank you all for keeping us in touch with Yoshie.

We wish her peace and we hope her good energy shines on all of us.

Love to all of you,

(Inside the seaplane. the first time, Cony and Yoshie met each toghter in a school activity at Tofino, Canada)

(2001, Yoshie, Cony and Rob play rocks together at Tofino, Canada)

(2001, the first time, Cony and Yoshie met each toghter in a school activity at Tofino, Canada)

(Hot spring, at Tofino 2001)

(2001, Drinking with Lalo, Diana, Cony, Yoshie, Kenji)

(North Vancovuer Park with ILSC students)

(Dogs photo, Gen, Cony, Itana, Sunil, Rachel, Yoshie, at Homestay)

(Drinking toghter, Jenny, ?, Joon sir, Cony, Yoshie, David at Roxy)

(2001, Drinking together Diana, Cony, Hana, Yoshie)

(2001, Like 007, in Andrea's apartment)

(2001, Yoshie at Victory)

(2001, Dinner at homestay)

(2001, drinking in purple onion bar)

(2001, Yoshie and her classmates at ILSC)

(2001, Yoshie and Saiche on a ferry)

(2001, Yoshie watch Icehocky game with Joonsir and David)

(2001, Yoshe wear the Chinese dress, Robert, Rob and Alex at Rob's house)

(2001, Party at Rob's house)

(2001, Dance with Yoshie, Party at Andrea's apartment)

(2001, Party with Asain friends)

(2001, Trip to Rocky mountain with Mexican make style)

(2001, Christmas food, cook by Yoshie. At Rob's house)

(2001, Cony, Rob and Yoshie had dinner together at Rob's house)

(2001, Party with seven countries friends at Andrea's apartment)

(2001, Have dinner together with Asain friends in Vancouver)

(2002, Rockie Mountain trip, Cony ,Yoshie and Koreans)

(2002, Rockie Mountain trip, Cony, Yoshie and tour guides)

(2002, Rockie Mountain trip, Cony, Yoshie and Japanese friends)

(2002, Rockie Mountain trip, Cony and Yoshie on the lake Lousie)

(2002, Vancouver airport to Yoshie's friend and Seong )

(2002, Wow! at Andrea's apartment)

(2002, North Vancouver Park)

(2004 July, Cony's wedding. Yoshie come to join.)

(2004 July, Cony's wedding. Yoshie come to join.)

(2004 July, in Cony's wedding with friends and family)

(2005 Nov. Dancing in a night club at Milano, Italy)

(2005 Nov. Dancing in a night club at Milano, Italy)

(2006 May, Tokyo trip with Yoshie at a shopping mall)

(2006 May, Tokyo trip with Yoshie at a resturant)

(2006 May, Tokyo trip with Yoshie at a famous temple)

(2006 May, Tokyo trip with Yoshie Inside the Toyko tower)

(2006 May, Tokyo trip with Yoshie inside a bus)

(2006 May, Tokyo tirp)

(2007 April, Yoshie come to meet me to see a chinese opera)

(2007 April, Yoshie come to meet me to see a chinese opera)

(2007 April, Yoshie come to meet me to see a chinese opera)

(2007 April, Yoshie visit Taiwan at National mesuem)

Cony #0913809587, 0982847499 (Taiwan)
My husband Power #09176691834 , 09086677509 (Philippines)
